Brand and transmedia experiences in the metaverse

Platforms such as Roblox, Sandbox and Dencentraland are an extraordinary breeding ground for transmedia activations. During the last year, several production companies have asked us to extend the universe of their series and movies in the metaverse. 

The Sandbox experience of El Internado: Las Cumbres places players inside the school, where they will have to overcome different challenges and discover the mysteries that lie within.


Paraíso places players in the town where the events of the series take place, to defeat the undead who are  attacking the locals.


Kit Kat offers us a game in Roblox where the cholocalte bars are portals that transport players to different universes.


Selected Works

MetahypeVirtual Platform / Metaverse

CaminantesVirtual and Augmented Reality / Transmedia activation

Cupra 3rd and 4th AnniversariesVirtual Platform / Events

Behind the Elcano´s wake360º Documentary

Lost AtlasVirtual Reality / esports